About Me

My photo
So you want to know about me, of course you do otherwise you wouldn't be reading this... still reading? okay... Well my names is Chris but many call me Chollerz. I have many friends and an amazing girlfriend :) I live life to the full and take all the opportunities available. After my education I aim to be a pilot in the RAF which is my absolute goal! I aim to do the best I possibly can in everything I do. I love entertaining others using my sense of humour, afterall there is no better cure than laughter haha :) I consider myself a unique individual with many goals in life, one of which being to win the lottery haha. Soo thats about all you need to know really... Thank you taking your time out to find out about me :)

Friday, 26 March 2010

Music Video

For some reason I had a problem uploading the video to my blog, however I have created a youtube channel

And all of the videos I have worked on this year including the recent music video are uploaded.


Advert for Album Cover

This is my advert for my album cover:

I kept the advert simple after looking though the NME magazine and studying the adverts to find that most of them are quite plain and not much in them. I'm pleased with how it turned out and feel that it was a good idea to keep it simple. If I were to publish this, it would be within NME as Kate Nash's previous album was represented here.

Album Cover

This is my album cover:

It is totally different from my originaly draft looking back however I am pleased with the outcome. I wanted a random image from the start which included the guitar so im happy with the shot. This was one of the first shots I took so I'm extremely lucky for it to come out like I wanted it, without any bluring or unnecessary objects in the shot, such as birds!
Although my parners album cover is completely different in style, we tried to include some similarities, such as the guitar and the house style of the text. I felt the text to my album cover had to be on the left due to the readability of it when I placed it onto the right side.

Thursday, 25 March 2010


Today we finally finished the editing of our video and we felt like we had reached a milestone, we are extremely happy with the end result and have burnt the video to disc.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Album cover and Advert pictures

Today we took our album cover pictures.
We took a trip to the town park where we had filmed our scenery shots and decided to take it in turns. My partner went first, she decided not to stick to her draft and decided to do something different, once she decided and was confident with her picture it was might turn. I too did not want to stick to my draft and wanted something more creative. My innovation took over and I started taking pictures of lots of different ideas, one that I thought was practical was of the actress and the guitar in a tree. It sounds weird but it just seemed so random it was perfect. I found the perfect tree and began to take pictures, and strangely I'm happy with how it turned out.

Editing the Album cover and Advert

After taking the pictures for my album cover my partner and I thought it would be best to edit them as soon as possible. With this in mind we went onto photoshop and began editing, I used only a few tools to create a different on my image. I sharpened it so it looked more define and improved the colour saturation. These difference as that visable but do make the image looked more precise.

However when my partner sat down to edit she was not happy with her pictures so we had to set more time to go out and take some more pictures for her album cover.