Today it was necessary for us to decide the final decisions for our video so that we could create our research in more depth.
Firstly we decided on our locations we were going to use.
- As the video will be based around a love story we thought it was be a good idea to have various places to shoot the video, in the outdoors and within two seperate houses, implying one is the boy's, and the other is the girl's. This would help create the emotion of separation between the characters and appear more distinct about what is happening within the story.
- Our second location would be the drama studio, as one of my previous A levels was drama, I was fairly certain we would have permission to use it. The plan was the seperate the instruments and have spotlights to add a delicate touch. There are only 2 instruments used within the song, guitar and the violin.
We then thought about about characters.
- We wanted to keep the story to the lyrics of the song and thought it would be best to have just one girl and one boy, anymore than this may disrupt the delicacy.
Next was our genre.
It did not take long to decide our genre was romance. With a story line of a girl crying out for the love of her soulmate and trying to get across her love for him.
We then discussed our camera shots.
We decided that a wide range of shots, from extreme close ups to panning shots would be relavant. We don't want to over complicate the video and take away what is already there, but we would like to include a variety to keep it visually attractive.
Finally we decided on our editing.
We concluded that we were going to limit our special effects and create lots of emotion from the slow pace of the song, and allow to meaning to take over. We want to make all the syncing perfect, with instruments and vocals.
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