About Me

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So you want to know about me, of course you do otherwise you wouldn't be reading this... still reading? okay... Well my names is Chris but many call me Chollerz. I have many friends and an amazing girlfriend :) I live life to the full and take all the opportunities available. After my education I aim to be a pilot in the RAF which is my absolute goal! I aim to do the best I possibly can in everything I do. I love entertaining others using my sense of humour, afterall there is no better cure than laughter haha :) I consider myself a unique individual with many goals in life, one of which being to win the lottery haha. Soo thats about all you need to know really... Thank you taking your time out to find out about me :)

Sunday, 25 April 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our target audience was a typical teenage girl aged around 14-16. We chose this because it was stereotypical for girls of this age going through teenage love storys and having romance into their lives. There are areas of the song where you can see the emotion of the artist and this was continuing the trend to attact our audience, as if it were to appear that they are not going through it alone.

Our feedback from our target audience was that they could clearly relate to what was happening within the video and that we represented the emotion clearly and delicately, this was a huge boost for us as its good to know we did have the interest of our target audience. Other comments outlining that we must have planned it alot as the work load and effort is noticeably high. On another high note we were informed that the syncing of the video for the words and the instruments was impeccable, and it could not be faulted at all.

From the very start of the video editing process we agreed to keep things simple and not have to many special effects happening throughout. This paid off for us as we had comments regarding our precise editing and that we captured the mood well in the song. The simple effects that we did have such as black and white transitions were suitable to the pace and the structure of our video.

We did also get some constructive critism. This was that some of our shots were not frammed well. It appears that during one of the shots the top of the actress's head is cut out, this was not intentional and it was just something we missed when reviewing it. This was unfortunate and we did not have any footage to replace it, luckly it only occured once.
Another critism we had was that another shot was quick shakey, the camera could have been more steady. However, again, it was something that we slipped up on and would need to improve on reviewing shots in depth and looking at everything angle.

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