About Me

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So you want to know about me, of course you do otherwise you wouldn't be reading this... still reading? okay... Well my names is Chris but many call me Chollerz. I have many friends and an amazing girlfriend :) I live life to the full and take all the opportunities available. After my education I aim to be a pilot in the RAF which is my absolute goal! I aim to do the best I possibly can in everything I do. I love entertaining others using my sense of humour, afterall there is no better cure than laughter haha :) I consider myself a unique individual with many goals in life, one of which being to win the lottery haha. Soo thats about all you need to know really... Thank you taking your time out to find out about me :)

Friday, 24 April 2009

How did you attract your audience?

I have attracted my reader by using bold headlines which have relevance to their interests, such as upcoming events and bands that are featuring in the magazine. The very distinctive masthead will certain grab the reader’s attention and hopefully over time it will be a good brand image, such as Kerrang. The large image on the front cover will certainly be eye catching as this is the lead singer of a very famous gothic band called TNT. The image appears very threatening and of course matches the typical stereotype of an everyday Goth, weird and scary. I have used colour schemes such as black on white and white on black that will create a dark and scary effect. I feel these give more of a gothic feel to it as many Goths dress in black with white accessories. In places I have used the colour red to make key point stand out and for an eye catching effect.

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