As you can see this slide demonstrates the difference in appearance, knowledge and understanding between my preliminary task (front page) and my final task. I feel that my biggest weakness was the fact that I didn’t have enough experience with Photoshop for my preliminary. This is shown through the use of text styles and image editing which looks like a poster rather than a magazine. Although my magazine’s front cover for my final task, I personally feel it looks similar to a magazine cover you would find in a shop. This is because my understanding of Photoshop and its tools became more obvious the more I practised. My preliminary task helped me a lot by showing me how I needed to improve my skills in order to make a decent competitive music magazine. From the feedback I received I was able to look for new ideas and paths I could take by achieving my ideal music magazine. I was adamant to insure I created a house style throughout my magazine using the same masthead, fonts and borders throughout. I think my planning worked well in junction with the final product that I created.
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